Welcome to St Matthew's
A message from our Headteacher
As the Headteacher of St Matthew’s Roman Catholic High School , it is my great privilege to be leading a school where the holistic development of our pupils is our core purpose.
Our vision is to develop the ‘St Matthew’s Family’ and ensure that we provide the first class catholic education that our community deserves.
Our commitment to the pursuit of academic achievement for all and personal development is underpinned by our Catholic identity, brought to life through our Catholic values.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced and constantly being refined so that all students can achieve well. Our aim is to continue to develop the expertise of our teachers to support all pupils to reach and exceed their academic potential. This is in conjunction with a bespoke Personal development programme and a wide ranging extra-curricular offer that truly reflects our local identity.
It is our intention that this, supported by our ethos and values, will allow each pupil to complete a five year journey with us and take their place in society where their gifts and talents will be of benefit to all.
We insist on the highest standards of behaviour for learning and have clear policies in place to ensure these are maintained. It is my absolute belief that this consistency of approach enables our community to flourish and enables our pupils to live out our mission statement.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, if you have any questions, please do get in touch with us.
Mr. A Nightingale

Free School Meals
Is your child eligible for a free school meal? Please see information below that will help determine if your child is eligible for a free school meal.
Your child may qualify if your have any of these incomes;
Income Support
Income- based Jobseekers Allowance
Income related Employment and Support Allowance
The guaranteed part of Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (as long as your annual gross income is £16,190 or less and you don’t get Working Tax Credit)
Working Tax Credit run – off after you come off Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit that you applied for on, or after, 1 April 2018. As long as your household income is less than £7,400 a year after tax, not including any benefits
If your child qualifies, you can apply using the free meals portal:
For further information please contact;
To find out more information, please contact:
The Benefits Service
PO Box 3
Manchester M15 5BA
Telephone: 0161 234 5003
Email: benefit.enquiries@manchester.gov.uk
Please refer to the letters section of the Parents Tab for the most up to date information regarding school life. Letters will be archived after each term but will be kept in the archive folder for parents to refer back to. If you cannot find the information you are looking for then please don't hesitate to contact school direct.
Operation Encompass
St. Matthew’s RC High School VA is part of Operation Encompass, a Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership, which supports children and young people who have been exposed to or witnessed domestic abuse.
Any Operation Encompass notifications will be discussed by the Safeguarding team to consider what further actions are required as they would in normal working, including speaking to parents and seeking advice from Early Help / Children’s Services / MARAC.
Please see further safeguarding information under policies.
St. Matthews
Please take a look at our brand new family Handbook. Everything you need to know is contained here. Please use it to ensure that your child has the correct uniform.
National Attendance Recognition
We have received an award to recognise that we are now in the top 25% of similar schools for attendance for half-term 3 2024. This is an amazing achievement that could not have been realised without the support of all families.
Quick links
As a school we now use the online Parentpay platform for the payment of lunches and school trips.
Find out more...Parent Voice
Surveys and comments received from the parents of our school community.
Find out more...