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There are four ‘Golden Threads’ to our curriculum.  They inform and challenge every learner, including those with SEND, to reach their full potential. 

Core Powerful Knowledge: delivered by subject experts, sequenced so students understand all facets of God’s creation, and prepare them to be responsible stewards of the future. 

Disciplinary Literacy: giving learners access to the full curriculum and the joy of wider reading. 

Cultural Enrichment: to understand and appreciate the rich diversity of life, in which they see themselves but appreciate the perspective of others. 

Learning Behaviours: to create independent, tolerant, modern thinkers, ready for the next stage of their development when they leave. 
We are clear in our curriculum intent at St Matthew’s. Every pupil has full and equal access to a curriculum that is wide ranging in disciplines in order that it provides opportunity to develop the whole person by meeting their needs and interests. Our curriculums are designed to progressively build and embed knowledge across all subject disciplines throughout each key stage. Our curriculums are organised through a number of learning focuses, the duration of each dictated by the depth and breadth of the core knowledge that all pupils will learn. 
All pupils with any special educational need or disability have full and equal access to all aspects of our curriculums at KS3 and KS4. All pupils in all classes are taught the full national curriculum.  Our curriculum implementation is forward planned to ensure our teaching is adaptive to maximise knowledge retention and understanding for pupils with SEND.  All students with additional needs are identified quickly and these needs and suggested strategies are communicated effectively to staff.  Teachers and LSAs then use adaptive strategies to ensure all students can access the four Golden Threads of our curriculum and therefore make strong spiritual, emotional and academic progress.  Excellent communication means all stakeholders are fully informed of the additional needs, support and progress of our SEND students. For more information on our SEND provision at St Matthew’s please visit this page of our website SEN & Disability Arrangements | St Matthew's RC High School ( 

Woven through our curriculum is cultural enrichment, developing the whole pupil and supporting their development as citizens both in modern Britain and globally. In addition to providing subject specific expertise, the curriculum will include opportunities for students to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. These skills are discreetly delivered though different subject areas, but also an explicit timetabled activity through our form time curriculum.  Explicit PSHE lessons taught by subject specialists ensure a comprehensive careers education programme, and will ensure students understand our British values and how to be active citizens in their community and beyond. It supports our pupils to form healthy relationships make healthy choices, look after their physical and mental health. Furthermore, it signposts support for pupils to ensure they know how to keep themselves safe. 

As a catholic school, Religious Education is central to our curriculum model, which therefore goes beyond the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. Our RE curriculum meets the standards of the Religious Education Curriculum Directory, and in line with their guidance, 10% of the school’s curriculum is given to the teaching of RE. Our RE curriculum is in a phase of transition, with Year 7 following the new curriculum directory “To Know You More Clearly”, and Year 8 and 9 pupils continuing to be taught the previous directory.  

Our curriculum is enriched through a variety of experiences which develop the students' appreciation of the world beyond school. At St Matthew’s we have a Universal Offer, which plans out all enrichment activities that are planned and offered to pupils across the school throughout the school year. We monitor pupil participation in this Universal Offer to ensure that every pupil is participating in enrichment throughout each school year. 
Our curriculum framework adheres to the statutory requirements for all maintained schools in England. Below are the subjects taught at KS3 and 4. 

English Geography Computing Music
Maths History Design and Technology PE
Science Languages Art Citizenship (Through PSHE Lessons)