Careers Education
Careers Lead: Mrs S Taylor:
The aim of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) lessons is to ensure that you can engage, and take some control of, your own career planning. This will support you with making a well-informed, realistic decision your next steps after leaving St. Matthew’s.
You will gain self-awareness, will be able to match the outcomes to the opportunities open to you and will be equipped with the skills required to move along your chosen careers path.
CEIAG information is typically delivered as part of the PSHE curriculum. In addition, further information is delivered in form time and during assemblies throughout the year. The content as this covered by this curriculum includes, but is not limited to:
- Understanding others/empathy
- Building relationships for success /understanding different personalities
- Making good impression
- Communicating with confidence
- Setting goals for success
- Making the right decision
- Managing time effectively
- Building resilience and managing stress
- Life as an adult
- Finance for your future
- Options after St Matthew’s
All pupils will have opportunities to engage with employer and develop their working skills through careers fairs, events and trips outside of school.
Independent Careers Advisor: Mrs V Worrall
All pupils have access to an individual interview with an Independent Careers Advisor during Key Stage 4. These interviews take place in school. The programme of interviews starts during Year 10 and continues into Year 11, with the aim that all Year 11 pupils will have met with the Careers Advisor before the applications for post-16 options have to be submitted. Although the formal programme of interviews is primarily for pupils in Years 10 and 11, should any pupils in Years 8 and 9 (or their parents) wish to access careers information, they can are also able to contact the Careers Advisor.
If you have a question about careers and your future Mrs Worrall will be happy to help!
The advisor is also available for consultation at the Parents’ Evenings in Year 9, 10 and 11.
We measure and monitor the effectiveness of our Careers Programme by tracking our destinations information year on year. We also carry out pupil voice exercises and continually evaluate and review our careers offer to pupils.
Additional Information and Support
For useful links to Careers Information please use the buttons on this page. Here you can find information about options for when you leave school, labour market information and how you can support you (or your child if a parent/carer) in taking the next step in careers. You can also view the Latest Destinations Figures.
If you are an employer or professional looking to volunteer to support our careers programme, please get in touch with Sarah Taylor using the email address at the top of this page and see our Provider Access statement for more information.
We continue to review the information presented on this page to ensure it is fully up to date. Please continue to visit this page for updates.