Exam Timetable
All pupils at St Matthew’s will be entered for a range on public exams. Some subjects, such as English, Maths, Science and RE, will be compulsory for all pupils, as they are essential requirements for employment or higher education, and in the case of RE reflect our Catholic school ethos and learning journey. Other subjects will be examined, according to each individual's skills and preferences.
In order to prepare students fully for public examinations, practice papers in the form of pre-public examinations will be organised, and a timetable produced for Year 11 pupils in the Autumn and Spring terms.
Pre-Public Exam (PPE) timetables will be published here when available, as will the Summer Exam timetable when available.
JCQ Regulations - National
In conjunction with St Matthew’s, pupils and parents have a responsibility to ensure they are aware of the guidance, rules and regulations governing examinations.
Pupils must, at all times, be aware that failure to adhere to these regulations could lead to disqualification from the examination and the overall qualification. These regulations and the schools expectations regarding student conduct during exams will be reiterated at all assemblies in the lead up to all examinations.
Please find links to documents detailing regulations for the Joint Council for Qualifications.