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All staff at St Matthew’s share responsibility for safeguarding, the staff responsible for making sure that Safeguarding processes and reporting are maintained are:

Mrs Andrea Lennon
Assistant Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Dale Latham
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Simone Ross
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

If you wish to contact any of the safeguarding team at St Matthew’s contact the main reception (0161 681 6178) and request them to contact a member of the team. 


Our children are digital natives. They are so at home with technology it’s like an extension of themselves. The positives of technology far outweigh the negatives. Parents fear the potential negative impact of social media, cyber-bullying, adult content, predators – you are confronted with so many negative headlines and frightening stories. But the internet offers amazing opportunities for learning, connecting, creating, and collaborating.

While it might be tempting to ban internet access on smartphones, this simply makes children more vulnerable when they go it alone. Just as you taught them how to cross the road safely by doing it alongside you, then taking the lead and finally doing it on their own - staying safe online needs the same approach.